Starting Equipment: 1 weapon of your choice, 1 lantern, 1 oil flask, Lockpicks (ud6), 30ft rope, caltrops, chalk.
- Gain a Thief Background equal to your number of Thief templates.
- A: Always Prepared, Lucky
- B: Opportunist
- C: Gloomstalker, Wall Crawler
- D: Gambler’s Luck
Always Prepared: Whenever you find yourself in need of something that could have easily been purchased in town you may gamble a brain dice. Regardless of the result you have the item you needed as long as you have the slots to be carrying it right now and can pay for it.
Lucky: You may reroll a failed save, but if the reroll succeeds, you may not use this ability again this session.
Opportunist: When your attack is favoured you add a d6 in place of the first d4 you would gain.
Gloomstalker: As long as there is enough light for one person you do not count towards the total for the sake of light requirements.
Wall Crawler: You can climb as well without climbing gear as most people can with climbing gear. Simple climbs do not require a Save. You can attempt impossible climbs.
Gambler’s Luck: Lucky can be used until it has granted 2 successes.