
You are a killer. Powerful and efficient. Where most people run in terror from monsters that could raze cities, you ready your weapon.

Starting Equipment: 2 weapons of your choice and a shield, 1 piece of armour, 3 rations, Armourer’s Kit (ud8), and 2 torches.

  • A: Parry, Weapon Proficiency
  • B: Notches
  • C: Powerful Blows
  • D: Monster Hunter

Parry: You may Gamble your Weapon Dice as Armor Dice. Doing so either before or after Gambling Armour.

Weapon Proficiency: When you roll minimum damage with a weapon die, add +2 to the total damage dealt.

Notches: Each time you attain a total of 10, 20, and 40, kills with a weapon type (such as 10 kills with a dagger), you unlock a new ability for that weapon, chosen from the list below.

  • +1 Damage
  • Expanded Proficiency range (1-2)
  • Special ability (negotiated with GM). Examples: ability to draw the weapon from any slot, knock a target prone on a critical, wield a two-handed weapon in one hand, gain a bonus to use the weapon as a tool, etc.

Powerful Blows: When you make a weapon attack you can gamble brawn dice, adding the sum to the damage dealt.

Monster Hunter: Keep track of the highest HD of monster you have killed. You can add this number to the damage of an attack. Doing so deals equivalent damage to your grit.