MURPS Advanced Combat

MURPS Advanced Combat


All-Out Attack: Sacrifice the ability to make any Active Defenses till your next turn to make an attack with full might. Specify one of the three options below. As part of your All-Out Attack you gain Half Movement.

  • Determined: Make one attack with a +4 to hit.
  • Double: Make two attacks against the same foe. Beware weapons that unready.
  • Strong: Make one attack. If you hit you get +2 to damage or +1 per die.

If you All-Out Attack with a ranged weapon you instead get +1 to hit.

All-Out Defense: Spend all you effort on defending yourself. Add +2 to one active defense of your choice: Dodge, Parry, or Block. This bonus persists until your next turn. As part of your All-Out Defense you gain Half Movement.

Move and Attack: Gain full Movement and then Attack with a -4 to hit to a maximum effective skill of 9.

Wait: Do nothing unless an event you’ve specified in advance occurs before your next turn. Specify the Maneuver and the specific trigger. You gain the movement of the prepared Maneuver which may be taken immediately or once triggered but cannot be split.

Attack options

Deceptive attack: Use your skill with a weapon to attempt to get around an opponents guard. Take a -4 to hit and causing the target to have a -2 to their active defense.

Dual weapon attack: When you have two readied weapons you may use them both as part of the same attack action. Resolve both attacks separately with each having a -4 to hit. If both attacks are to the same target; the target has -1 to defend from both.

Rapid strike: A Rapid Strike is a melee attack executed swiftly enough that you get one extra attack. Make two attacks, that may be all-out, both at -6 to skill. You can target multiple opponents this way. If you already have multiple attacks, for whatever reason, you can replace only one of them with two attacks at -6.

Stop thrust: If you wait to attack with a thrusting weapon against an opponent who is approaching you, you may declare it a Stop Thrust. Deal +1 damage for every 2 yards of max movement the opponent had this round.

Defense options

Dive for Cover: When within an AoE you may attempt to dive out of it. Attempt a Dodge and land prone up to a step away. Success means you reach the new location before the triggering effect goes off.

Acrobatic dodge: If you have at least one point into the Acrobatics skill, you can try a “fancy” dodge once between your turns. Make an Acrobatics roll before you attempt your Dodge roll. On a success, you get +2 to that Dodge roll. On a failure, you get -2.

Sacrificial dodge: Defend someone by throwing yourself in front of an attack. To do so, you must be at most a step from interposing. Announce this before your friend attempts their defense roll. Attempt a dodge, if you succeed, you are hit by the attack. If you fail, you didn’t move in time, but your friend still gets their normal defense roll.

Extra Effort

Dash: You can spend an FP to gain additional movement. If you had half movement or less you gain an additional step. If you had full movement you gain an additional half movement.

Feverish Defense: You can spend 1 FP to get +2 to a single active defense roll.

Flurry of Blows: You can halve the penalty for Rapid Strike (see Above) by spending 1 FP per attack.

Mighty Blows: You can spend FP to gain the damage bonus of an All-Out Attack (Strong) (see Above) without sacrificing your defenses. This costs 1 FP per attack.

Rapid Recovery: Quickly ready an unbalanced weapon for 1 FP.

You cannot use Flurry of Blows and Mighty Blows at the same time!