GURPS characters are created by spending Character Points. The GM will assign you a starting budget to build your character.
- Ordinary Folk [25-75]
- Heroes in the Making [75-125]
- Professional Adventurer [125-175]
- Named Heroes [175-250]
- Living Legends [250+]
Characters are defined by their Attributes, Skills, and Traits. All of which cost points. Lowering scores or taking negative traits can even give you more points to spend. However you can never receive more then 60 points back from negatives.
It is highly recommended to build your character in GCS, This will help you track points and such though a few changes are needed to make this program work for MURPS instead of GURPS.
MURPS Character Options
A Collection of Character options and Meta-Traits. These are not all the Traits available but simply some packages and suggestions. It’s best to think of these as starting points when you aren’t sure how to start.
Foulkn (0)
Foulkn are well known for their diversity and versatility. This is represented via Foulkn’s costing nothing to take, leaving you with points left to spend on individual characteristics.
Elf (45)
- ST -1 (-10)
- DX +1 (20)
- Per +2 (10)
- Extended Lifespan 4 (8)
- Attractive (4)
- Less Sleep 4 (8)
- Slow Healing (-5)
- Magery 0 (10)
Dwarrow (20)
- SM 0* (0)
- ST +1 (10)
- HT +2 (20)
- Per -1 (-5)
- Move -1 (-5)
- Dwarrow Shape (0)
- Extended Lifespan 2 (4)
- Night Vision 5 (5)
- Photosensitivity (-1)
- Cannot Float (-1)
- Resistant Poison +3 (7)
- Alcohol Dependency Weekly (-10)
Halfling (15)
- SM -2 (0)
- ST -3 (-30)
- HP +2 (4)
- DX +2 (40)
- Move -2 (-10)
- Silence 3 (15)
- Gluttony (-5)
- Tough Feet (1)
Orc (10/8)
- SM 0/1 (0/-2)
- ST +2 (20)
- HP +2 (4)
- Per -2 (-10)
- Rapid healing (5)
- Tusks (1)
- High Pain Threshold (10)
- Short Lifespan (-10)
- Social Stigma minority (-10)
Lupin ()
Drakin (60)
- SM 1 (0)
- Move +1 (5)
- ST +4 (36)
- Extended Lifespan (2)
- Dragon Tail (8)
- Social Stigma Savage (-10)
- Miserliness (-10)
- Proud (-1)
- Elemental Resistance 9 (9)
- Breath Weapon (21)
Goblin (-10)
- SM -2 (0)
- ST -4 (-40)
- DX +1 (20)
- Infravision (10)
- Rapid Healing (5)
- Cast Iron Stomach 4 (4)
- Silence 1 (5)
- Appearance (Unattractive) (-4)
- Social Stigma (Savage) (-10)
Fighter (73+)
Traits (60)
- High Pain Threshold (10)
- Combat Reflexes (15)
- Armor Mastery (5)
- Striking ST 2 (10)
- Weapon Master (All/Skill/Weapon) (45/35/20)
Skills (13)
- Melee Weapon
- Backup/Shield
- Ranged Weapon
- Brawling/Knife
- Area Knowledge (Homeland)
- Diplomacy
- First Aid
- Heraldry
- Interrogation
- Leadership
- Stealth
- Swimming
- Tactics
Mage (77+)
Traits (49+)
Skills (8)
- Innate Attack (Projectile)
- Spear/Staff or Knife
- Area Knowledge (Homeland)
- Cryptography
- Lore (Creature Type/Plane/Niche)
- Research
- Stealth
- Thaumatology
Spells (20+)
Cleric (60+)
Traits (39+)
- Clerical Investment (5)
- Holy Investiture 3 (30)
- Holy Tennant of your choice (-10)
- Holy Abilities of your choice (14 to 33)
Skills (11)
- Area Knowledge (Homeland)
- Body Language
- Detect Lies
- Diplomacy
- First Aid
- Medicine
- Public Speaking
- Religious Ritual (Your God)
- Savoir-Fair Church
- Teaching
- Theology (Pantheon)
Spells (10)
- From Colleges determined by your God.
Berserker (69+)
Traits (59)
- Berserk (-10)
- Striking ST 4 (16) (Accessibility (While berserk)(-20%))
- Tough Skin DR 4 (8)(Accessibility (While berserk)(-20%))
- High Pain Threshold (10)
- Combat Reflexes (15)
- Weapon Master (All/Skill/Weapon) (45/35/20)
Skills (10)
- Melee Weapon
- Ranged Weapon
- Brawling
- Area Knowledge (Homeland)
- Carousing
- Climbing
- Intimidation
- Stealth
- Survival
- Swimming
Rogue (69+)
Traits (48)
- Contact (Thieves Guild, skill 12, fairly often appearance 9, usually reliable) (10)
- Perfect Balance (15)
- Backstab 2 (8)
- Thief Talent 2 (*) (10)
Skills (21)
- Knife
- Throwing or Bow or Crossbow
- Acrobatics
- Acting
- Area Knowledge (Home)
- Body Language
- Carousing
- Climbing*
- Escape*
- Fast-Talk
- Forgery
- Gesture
- Knot-Tying
- Lip Reading
- Lockpicking*
- Pickpocket*
- Savoir-Faire (Criminal)
- Search
- Sleight of Hand*
- Stealth*
- Streetwise
Bard (57+)
Traits (40+)
- Bardic Talent 2 (20)
- Charisma 1 (§) (5)
- Musical Talent 1 (*) (5)
- Voice (†) (10)
- Rapier Wit (4)
- Bard-Songs of your Choice
Skills (17+)
- Instrument (choose family) *
- Singing * †
- Acting
- Area Knowledge (Homeland)
- Body Language
- Carousing
- Detect Lies
- Diplomacy †
- Fast-Talk †
- Heraldry
- History (Region or Era)
- Leadership §
- Lore (Choose)
- Performance * †
- Public Speaking § †
- Sex Appeal †
- Streetwise
Spells (Optional)
- Communication and Empathy, Knowledge, Mind Control, and Sound Colleges.
Scout (65+)
Traits (46)
- Heroic Archer (20)
- Outdoorsman (*) (5)
- Absolute Direction (5)
- Combat Reflexes (15)
- Strongbow (1)
Skills (19)
- Bow
- Fast Draw (Arrow)
- Knife or Shortsword
- Offhand Training (Knife or Shortsword)
- Animal Handling (Family)
- Area Knowledge (Home)
- Biology (Material)
- Camouflage *
- Climbing *
- Disguise (Animals)
- First Aid
- Knot-Tying
- Lip Reading
- Lore (Beast)
- Mimicry (Bird)
- Navigation (Land) *
- Stealth
- Survival (Biome) *
- Swimming *
- Tracking *
Druid ()
Traits ()
- Druidic Investiture 3 (30)
- Druidic Arts of your Choice (5 to 33)